trešdiena, 2013. gada 27. februāris

Ilvesa uzruna

Interesanti palasīt Ilvesa uzrunu igauņu tautai viņu valsts 95. dzimšanas dienā. Lūk viens skaists gabaliņš:
Within the twenty-two years of restored independence, the Estonian state has come so far that we no longer compare the present day to the occupation or the Singing Revolution. We compare ourselves to countries in which freedom and democracy are natural. This is the right, in fact, it the only possible way. We are and must be more demanding of our state. Yet in a democratic state this means that we must also be more demanding of ourselves. In a democratic state the rulers are not “they”, just like there is no “Brussels” somewhere far away “demanding” something from us without our consent or in violation of agreements that we have contracted. In a democratic state, every complaint against the state or its rulers is directly or indirectly a complaint against ourselves.
All that is dear and sweet does not have to be big and grand. Estonia is like a wild strawberry: pristine and small, difficult to find and those who do not know how to, fail to recognise and value it. But once we possess it, once it is ours, then it is one of the best things of all. Our home is a wild strawberry field. 
Daudz laimes viņiem! Un mums arī! 

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